Arthur E. Skeats Consulting
Case Studies

CASE STUDY 1:  Major Oil Company


RESULT:   TIME - to - MARKET  Cut 42% for New Pipelines

>>  Biggest Delay was Regulatory Approval

>>  "Everybody Knew" Nothing could be Done about Govt Regulators

>>  "Everybody Knew" Regulators Required Final Design to Start Work

>>  Inquiry Found what "Everybody Knew" was Cultural Folklore

       >>  Regulators PREFERRED Starting Early even with Prelim Design

       >>  Regulators could Integrate Task with their Overall Workload

       >>  Regulators Avoided Hounding by Oil Company to Finish Work

>>  Result:  Delay for Regulatory Approval Cut 80%




CASE STUDY 2:  Software Developer


RESULT:  TIME - to - MONEY  Cut 64% for Medical Information Systems

>>  Biggest Delay was Client Approval of System Design

>>  "Everybody Knew" Clients Must Approve System Design

>>  Experiments Found what "Everybody Knew" was Cultural Folklore

       >>  Clients Didn't Notice if Design Approval was Never Requested

       >>  Client Design Approval Added Cost not Value to the Product

       >>  Client Design Approval was a Non-Value Added Activity

       >>  Client Design Approval was Eliminated

>>  Result:  Delay for Design Approval Cut 100%

CASE STUDY 3:  Electronics Producer


RESULT:   TIME - to - MONEY  Cut 32% for Circuit Breakers

>>  Biggest Delay was Equipment Reset after Breaks and Lunches

>>  "Everybody Knew" Plant Must Shut Down for Breaks and Lunches

>>  Experiments Found what "Everybody Knew" was Misguided

       >>  Operator Solution:  Do Not Interrupt Hi-Speed Production Runs

       >>  Operator Solution:  Take Breaks / Lunches when Runs Complete

       >>  Operator Solution:  Machinists Self-Manage Breaks and Lunches

       >>  Supervisors Pushed Back:  Employees were "Out of Control"

       >>  CEO Pushed Forward:  Productivity Up 20% on No Investment

>>  Result:  Delay for Reset after Breaks and Lunches Cut 100%



 CASE STUDY 4:  Traffic Jam


SCENARIO:  You're Stuck in Traffic

>>  A Ferrari is Not the Solution

>>  A Faster Car Would Have No Effect

>>  The Solution is to Avoid / Reduce the Congestion

>>  P-A-C-E  Methodology Reduces Congestion in Business Processes

       >>  It's Not about Working Faster

       >>  It's Not about Looking for Faster Equipment

       >>  It's about Reducing Business Process Delays

       >>  It's about Reducing Non-Value Added Activities